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DEADLINE Applications are due by January 27, 2023 11:59 PM EST.

NOTIFICATION Applicants will be notified of the review panel decision by April 2023.

PROGRAM OneBeat Accelerator is a seed grant for projects led by alumni of OneBeat programs.

CONTACT If you have questions please contact [Please enable javascript to see the email address]


What are the expected outputs of an accepted OneBeat Accelerator seed grant?

1) a public-facing presentation of your experience or process (for example, a virtual panel discussion, a short video shared on social media, a blog post, etc.)

2) a brief final report within 6-8 months of receiving the grant

What is the selection criteria for choosing a OneBeat accelerator?

1)Vision/Scope: How innovative & compelling is the project?

2) Impact/Need: Who will the project impact, and what will be the strength of that impact?

3) Feasibility/Clarity: What is the capacity of the individual/team to meet this project’s goals?

OneBeat Accelerator applications will be reviewed by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, Found Sound Nation, and a jury of outside expert reviewers.

Can I submit more than one Accelerator application if I have multiple projects?

No, you can only submit one proposal each application cycle. However, you are welcome to reapply as many times as you would like in subsequent years.

I've applied and been rejected for an Accelerator in the past. Can I reapply with the same project idea?

Yes, you're welcome to reapply. We recommend updating your writing with any new information and progress you've made on your project since your last application.

I've already received an Accelerator award in the past. Can I reapply?

If you have previously received a OneBeat Accelerator grant, you will not be eligible for another award for 3 years.

What are the funding priorities for the Accelerator grant?

The Accelerator seed grant supports projects that advance democratic principles around the globe including, but not limited to, climate change, inclusion, media literacy, access to education, economic empowerment, and community resilience.

We will consider projects at their initial stages that have a clear plan for moving forward, or for new elements or features of existing projects. Projects that have a unique approach to fostering community strength, supporting vulnerable or underserved populations, or providing spaces for connection and mutual support, will receive priority.

What does the Accelerator seed grant NOT support?

Project proposals that are centered around the creation of an album or recording will not be funded. (The exception, however, is If an album or recording is an output of a larger project, but not the central focus of the proposal.) Also, please note as a U.S. State Department seed grant emphasizing global exchange, projects from alumni based in the United States must include an international exchange component to be competitive for an Accelerator award.

What will Accelerator recipients receive?

Approximately 8 Accelerator proposals will receive seed grant funding of $2,500 each.